a home for entertainers & more

The Olympian Program
What is iT?
Our monthly program is designed to accelerate the student’s path to being an established entertainer. Utilizing all studio divisions, we will give every opportunity for the student to grow, learn, and work before/after graduating.
How it will work
Students will attend after-school 4 out of 5 days of the week during the school year, with some Saturdays and Sundays for performances. The younger students will be primarily involved with the live entertainment, tv/movie departments. As they grow, news, orchestra, and music will become available. Alongside our Nutritional Department, we will serve delicious daily meals to students and staff.
Who is it for?
4th - 12th-grade public school and homeschooled students who aspire to be in the entertainment industry as a career choice. We will offer every chance to be involved in the studio’s performances and projects, with the student’s interests coming first.
THe GOal
Our goal is to build the bridge between students and the entertainment industry with established leaders and content creators. Whether that's starring in the next blockbuster film, playing violin in the orchestra pit, working the crew side of production, or leading an ensemble cast on stage, we want to bring Hollywood and Broadway to every city possible, allowing students to get involved early & entertain for life.